Page name: black arrow tavern [Logged in view] [RSS]
2009-04-24 19:07:43
Last author: travs the bean
Owner: travs the bean
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Welcome once again to the Black Arrow Tavern my friend, where the food is rich and drinks are plenty. Yet mind you, tis not a place to leave your purse lying about, and be wary of the goblins that haunt below and you'll be fine. Yet if yer looking for tales of adventures and treasures far off, than you've found the right place. Yes it has been a while, and there have been changes, but the dust is being cleaned off and the chairs straightened so if you need a place to stay for the night, here it might be

We offer the finest collection of drinks in elftown, as well as the the most excellent meat dishes. So pull up a stool or find a table and make yer self at home. If you are planning to stay a while there are plenty of rooms to choose from. Each with warm beds and a nice fires. Breakfast is at 11 and the bar never closes.

the rules
Now all we ask is you pay yer bill, and keep your squables at the door. There will be none of that here now. Also keep yer filthy mutts off the wenches or you might end up with an arrow to the back...we tend to keep an eye on our own here.

Also we have new openings and changes here at black arrow tavern:characters. So if your interested at playing more indepth roles- here is the place to go.

staff on duty:

[travs the bean] the barkeep;
[Igorina]aka Jynx
So feel free to ask for anything.

the drinks
Ale........................2 copper
Mead.....................1 copper
Eldenberry.............1 silver
Rock Ale.................1 copper, 1 silver
Black Root Ale.........2 copper
Fire Water...............3 copper
Goldberry Wine........1 gold
Brandy Wine............3 silver (sort of rare)

Todays Special: all you can eat
Roast Mutton, Bread, and Roasted Vegtebles 2 silver

Rooms per night
the floor.............1 copper
common room.....3 copper
room 2 beds........5 copper 1 silver
private room........3 silver

to the other rooms of the tavern
Black Arrow Tavern:Upstairs the 1st floor Map is done!
Black Arrow Tavern: 2nd Floor 2nd floor is done

important: this story is played through out many rooms- things happen in other places at the same time as in the inn and if you are not in the room you miss out on the adventure or danger:) so as more rooms open up we would encourage you to keep to story or stories going- because it all does not happen on the main floor:)

working on the cellar- which leads to the sewers(coming)

the map of the main floor
this will help you get around the inn- working on the second level and maybe the third as well- be patient
Legend to come...
all the tables are drawn without chairs- sorry- time issues:) and the storage room is off limits;) as well as the kitchen for the most part cause [Rennie] will prob beat you down like an old rug if she catches you there

if you need to buy stuff and gear for that next adventure or get a potion or two go here- i hear [Kileaiya] might be hiring once she gets her store in order:)
black arrow tavern:warehouse

character: who's who
black arrow: character sheet
come to the inn and you can create your own character- mind you as it grows more occupations will open up:) - than post your character here
black arrow tavern:characters

If you want to advertize the tavern here's the small graphic and the link.
black arrow tavern

**** i've been asked if anyone can join- the answer is always yes- just roleplay smart- a lot of people are not fans of the super warrior- or character that has it all- it makes things unrealistic- the tavern is in the poorer section of town- the main hall is open to all- get a room and that's were the adventure begins- just keep it clean.

we'll come up with a smart roleplay guide in a bit- but until then have a drink if you have the coin

Travs the bean

Black Arrow Tavern:Outside



we will delete a post if you break character- use the mail system to chat- not here- do not break character

god like powers and magic
If you want to be the most powerful kid on the block than this wiki is not for you- we will get rid of those and delete those post that we find fit this.We are looking for fun, realistic play, where you use your wits rather than your powers.... SO leave them at the door- Magis is allowed but in the inn it is greatly reduced and it will have damaging effects at time- (i am a big fan of friendly fire)

Username (or number or email):


2006-04-27 [travs the bean]: **the barkeeps grabs a glass of warm milk and places next to the young lady** you alright ms?

2006-04-27 [Juiced]: no i'm fine*lays my head on the bar*

2006-04-27 [Elisha Kelly]: thankyou *Elysia said as she looked around the bar, noting a few new faces, and waving hello at Kileaiya* just one of those days...

2006-04-27 [Juiced]: uh huh one of those days where you try to be nice and it all back fires

2006-04-27 [Elisha Kelly]: *Elysia eyed the woman wearily* not really, not for me anyways.

2006-04-28 [Juiced]: *lifts my head up off the bar and twirls my finger in a circle makeing a trail of colors follow it*

2006-04-28 [Elisha Kelly]: *Elysia raised an eyebrow at the magical display* You don't frequent these sorts of establishments much do you...

2006-04-28 [Juiced]: you lost me

2006-04-28 [Nonchalant]: *the nymph looks strangely at the glass of wine* oh...I don't drink, but thanks *her temper cools down and she smiles a poisonously sweet smile and walks upstairs*

2006-04-28 [Elisha Kelly]: I meant that you don't usually hang out in this sort of tavern much, you seem a little out of place *She took a sip of her milk*

2006-04-28 [Danboo]: *Daniel puts the last dish up and goes to the storage room*

2006-04-28 [Nonchalant]: *sighs and sits on the last step mumbling a little spell for her potions*

2006-04-28 [Juiced]: oh yea well i heard it was famous so i figured i come check it out

2006-04-28 [Elisha Kelly]: *Elysia looked at the woman a moment* Well it probably isn't wise to be flashing magic off left right and center, you don't want to draw a lot of attention to yourself...

2006-04-28 [Nonchalant]: *looks down to see daniel in the storage room and smiles* Hello. Ne'er seen you before.

2006-04-28 [Danboo]: *Daniel's eyes flicker over to her for a second then back*Hi, neither hath,*clears throat quietly* have I.*continues to the broom*

2006-04-28 [Kileaiya]: Kileaiya waved back at Elysia, making her way over to her. "Hangover, eh? Don't think mine's quite caught up to me yet."

2006-04-28 [Juiced]: *pulls my hand back and sits there admireing the crafts work of the tavern

2006-04-28 [Elisha Kelly]: *Elysia smiled* Well I blame it on the firewater the barkeep gave me earlier... that was some potent brew.

2006-04-28 [Akayume]: Rose walked back inside after stepping out, and took a seat next to Elysia. "Nasty things hangovers are." She said in a friendly manor, one that would suggest she meant no harm. She kept her head bent low, her elbow on the counter, and a bag in her hand.

2006-04-28 [Danboo]: *Daniel has a quick grin on his face when hearing Elysia talk about the firewater*

2006-04-28 [Elisha Kelly]: *Elysia eyed Rose wearily, a thing she did with all strangers* Do I know you? *she asked, thinking she had seen her before*

2006-04-28 [Akayume]: "Not personally, no, but we might have brushed shoulders before." Rose replied, her voice steady. She wasn't gettin' paid for nothin'.

2006-04-28 [Kileaiya]: Kileaiya chuckled, "fire water will do that to you." She smiled as she turned to Trav, "Can I get a glass of milk as well please?"

2006-04-28 [Elisha Kelly]: oh okay *she muttered, taking another sip of her drink*

2006-04-28 [Kileaiya]: "That's Liliah's sister," Ki said to Elysia, "she was in the warehouse earlier."

2006-04-28 [Akayume]: Rose heard this, and her eyes flickered. She calmed herself quickly though, and pretended not to hear Ki.

2006-04-28 [Danboo]: *Daniel grabs a broom and heads to the kitchen*

2006-04-28 [Elisha Kelly]: Oh... when I was *she paused a slight flush lighting her cheeks*

2006-04-28 [Akayume]: "I myself can't seem to recall that.." Rose said. "But ah, things of the past should be burried, so that the future can go on." She shrugged - she often said odd things like such. "That scurmish was odd, but that's all you can accept from Liliah. She's always been like that."

2006-04-28 [Kileaiya]: Kileaiya smiled, taking a drink from her glass. She turned to face Elysia head on, "did you get any rest?"

2006-04-28 [Elisha Kelly]: Yes I did... well as much as I could expect anyways *she smiled at Kileaiya* thanks for giving me a place to rest

2006-04-28 [Kileaiya]: "No problem," she said before she took another drink.

2006-04-28 [Nonchalant]: *watches Daniel head to the kitchen and sits down away from the other girls and hears them talk about hangovers* If you need help with one of those hangovers I might be able to provide a potion...for a small fee of course

2006-04-28 [Danboo]: *Daniel starts sweeping in the kitchen*

2006-04-28 [Akayume]: Rose shot the person a cold, hard glare before returning her head down. "So...what's life like around here?" She asked the two.

2006-04-28 [Elisha Kelly]: no thankyou *Elysia stated with a smile* I am feeling much better now.

2006-04-28 [Nonchalant]: *looked at Elysia and pointed to Rose* Whats her problem?

2006-04-28 [Elisha Kelly]: *Elysia looked slightly suprised at the question* I don't know, but it is rude to point. Why don't you come down here and have a glass of milk, I'll pay.

2006-04-28 [Akayume]: A smug smirk crossed Rose's face for a moment, then she whiped it away before anyone could see.

2006-04-28 [Nonchalant]: milk? milk. ok, thanks I will pay you back later. *smiles her poisonously sweet smile* Oh, and Daniel? If you ever need help sweeping or doing the dishes...I can help

2006-04-28 [Danboo]: if you wanna help ask travs*said Daniel*

2006-04-28 [Elisha Kelly]: *Elysia smiled back at the Nymph, before turning to Travs* ANother milk please.

2006-04-29 [Nonchalant]: *smiles again* ok, maybe I will later.

2006-04-30 [Danboo]: *Daniel walks behind the counter and says"How `bout I get you some"*

2006-04-30 [Elisha Kelly]: 'that would be nice thankyou daniel" Elysia said with a smile for the boy.

2006-04-30 [Danboo]: *Daniel gets the milk*Here ya go Elysia

2006-04-30 [Elisha Kelly]: "thanks" she nodded and handed daniel the money. She then turned to the Nymph "here you go, enjoy"

2006-05-01 [travs the bean]: **the barkeep looked at the cleaning boy for a moment, ** clear the tables will you boy- ** he then wiped his hands** oh just drop the money on the table- i'll take care of that**

2006-05-03 [moonscale]: Liura watches Daniel with a slightly puzzled expression on her face. "I will have some Eldenberry." she says. She waves her hand and a silver coin floats over to the boy and lands softly on the table.

2006-05-03 [Elisha Kelly]: *Elysia smiled at the barkeep* no harm done

2006-05-03 [travs the bean]: no harm at all, **he poured a glass of eldenberry and put the coin in his purse

2006-05-03 [Elisha Kelly]: *Elysia grimaced at the smell of the wine* might be a while fore I hit the hard stuff again

2006-05-04 [Nonchalant]: *smiles and takes the milk* hmm*puts her hand over it and mumbles something and it seems slightly different* you did say this was whole milk? *takes a sip*

2006-05-04 [Akayume]: Rose gave a stiff snicker as she raised her head, possibly for the first time that night.

2006-05-04 [Elisha Kelly]: *Elysia gave rose a glance* what's funny?

2006-05-04 [Akayume]: "Nothing, nothing. I was just..remembering." Rose said, an odd smile crossing her face.

2006-05-04 [Elisha Kelly]: remebering what? *Elysia asked a little suspiciously*

2006-05-04 [Akayume]: "Remembering Liliah and I as children. She never drank anything but whole milk, and threw a fit when she didn't get what she wanted." Rose spoke slowly, as if it pained her to remember.

2006-05-04 [Elisha Kelly]: oh *Elysia said, pausing for a moment before continuing* so what happened between you?

2006-05-04 [Akayume]: "Liliah didn't knwo what to do when father left and mother died." Rose said with a sigh. "She couldn't grasp what happened, so she blamed everything on me. I guess that it didn't help that I took that opprotunity to leave." She then quickly added, "But Liliah was old enough by that time to take care of herself, so I thought she would be okay."

2006-05-04 [Elisha Kelly]: how old was she *Elysia gasped*

2006-05-04 [Akayume]: "Sixteen." Rose replied. "I left more than half of the money with her, and I took one of the two horses. That's it." She said with a small nod. "And Uncle Theadus sent her money, supplies, everything she needed...."

2006-05-04 [Elisha Kelly]: then how on earth did she end up picking pockets?

2006-05-04 [Akayume]: "You'll have to ask her that." Rose replied with a faint smile. "I only saw her for the first time in years when you saw her yelling at me." She shrugged. "She probably wasted it."

2006-05-04 [Elisha Kelly]: *Elysia stared at Rose a moment thinking* I'll do that *she said quietly to herself*

2006-05-04 [Akayume]: Rose didn't seem to have heard her, or notcied that she had spoken at all.

2006-05-04 [Elisha Kelly]: *Elysia finished her milk, and stood to leave, said a short farewell to Ki, nodded to everyone else, and wandered out into the night*

2006-05-04 [Kileaiya]: "I'll come with you," Ki said as she stood and followed Elysia.

2006-05-04 [Nonchalant]: *sighs and looks at the empty cup of milk* i wonder if...*looks at it*

2006-05-04 [travs the bean]: would you like another glass? **the barkeep smiled**

2006-05-06 [Nonchalant]: *shakes her head* no thank you

2006-05-06 [Danboo]: *Daniel goes to the tables and starts washing them*

2006-05-07 [moonscale]: Liura has fallen asleep at the table, but wakes up when Daniel starts washing it. She scowls at him.

2006-05-07 [Danboo]: *Daniel smiles and quickly covers it and goes to another table*

2006-05-08 [Nonchalant]: *smiles at Daniel and Liura* Hey barkeep, do you have any newspapers around here? I wanna hear whats goin' on with my people. On second thought, Vekio's probly got things under control...I'm headin' round back. *walks into the warehouse*

2006-05-09 [travs the bean]: so you search fro news, only news i have is what people bring in here.** the barkeep shook his head and watched Sercei (nonchalant) leave the bar**

2006-05-09 [moonscale]: Liura traces patterns in the slightly damp wood. After nonchalant leaves she goes up to the barkeeper. "How is business?" she asks in an overly casual manner.

2006-05-09 [travs the bean]: it is fine, always busy, always a mouth to feed and a thirst to quench. So really one cannot complain

2006-05-10 [Akayume]: Rose stood, and left.

2006-05-10 [travs the bean]: **the barkeep took his rag and wiped the bar down again, removing the various empty glasses and plates. The hour wore on and soon the candles dimmed. With a smile the barkeep replaced the oil in the lamps and relit the candles it was now far past midnight**

2006-05-10 [travs the bean]: it is now past midnight, the storm has subsided and the moon peers through the dark clouds

2006-05-12 [moonscale]: liura rises and walks to the door. She stares at the moon for a while. After some time a cat comes up to her. It is huge and completely gray.

2006-05-19 [Elisha Kelly]: **Thud** the sound appears to have come from upstairs

2006-05-20 [Juiced]: *flys threw the frount door and crashes* ahh *rubs my head* that hurt

2006-05-22 [travs the bean]: **the barkeep looked up at the figure hitting the ground - and then out the door into the darkness. His mind was also preocupied of the noise upstair but he had heard a lot o bumps in the night lately so he was in no hurry to search out** so lad, are you ok?

2006-05-22 [Nonchalant]: *walks back in and looks at the moon*...*notices the figure on the ground and helps him up* are you alright?

2006-05-24 [Juiced]: *rubs my head* yea i'm ok just a little rough landing thats all *my eyes widen* Watch Out!! *jump up on a table and drop kick a hooded figure out of the taven

2006-05-25 [moonscale]: Liura frowned at the violent stranger. "No need to disturb the peace," she hissed casting a spell to freeze both Keyblade and the hooded figure.

2006-05-25 [Juiced]: *moves my eyes around looking to see what had happened

2006-05-26 [Nonchalant]: *stares in awe* what did you do that for? *looks worried up at the moon and mumbles* time is running out...

2006-05-27 [Danboo]: *Daniel is now done washing all of the tables and takes the rag to the kitchen*

2006-05-31 [NightTheOwl]: Ahh "Hey everyone" *Oscuries comes in mysteriously wearing a dark robe and a shaded hood*

2006-05-31 [moonscale]: Liura turns away in annoyance. The hooded figure (not Oscuries)) runs away again. She pours a few herbs into her cup and drinks it. 

2006-06-01 [moonscale]: "When is that idiot going to show up?" she mutters to herself. "I suppose I'll have to get him myself."

2006-06-02 [NightTheOwl]: *Walks towards the bar* "Can I have some Eldenberry please! *hands over a silver piece*

2006-06-04 [moonscale]: Liura walks out, droppping a bag of coins on the counter that equal her bill.

2006-06-05 [travs the bean]: **the barkeep made his way back from the kitchen and looked around- he was amazed at some of the new faces that had made it in this evening- and with quick ease started to fill the request for drinks and rooms**

2006-06-06 [Danboo]: *Daniel yawns and looks around*

2006-06-16 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ walks in seemingly out of nowhere and he goes and sits down in the darkest corner he can find ~ Hello all...

2006-06-16 [travs the bean]: what will it be stranger? **the barkeep wiped his hands**

2006-06-16 [Keyurg Kirosake]: The hardest ale that you have in stock! ~ smiles and nods as he gets up and sits at the counter ~ Are you all a part of a kingdom or just a lone pub?

2006-06-16 [travs the bean]: **he poured a dark amber glass of hard dwarven rock ale and put it in front of the man** we are small town nothing more none the less, as you might have guessed nestled just outside the dark forest and stone mountains. This nearest city is about a 2 week trip to the south

2006-06-17 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ nods and smiles ~ Well you have a fine establishment if you ask me, oh and by the way, call me Keyurg, I am the Emperor of a Kingdom known as Torros-Arrok ~ bows lowly to the man in respect and downs the ale with no problem ~

2006-06-17 [Juiced]: *walks in with two orginoids following me and i sit at the bar* Hey bartender i'll have a pint of ale *puts a cuple of sliver coins on the bar*

2006-06-18 [Nonchalant]: *the nymph walks in and wipes some sweat off her forehead* It's kind of hot for a night, huh? *she sits down at a stool and asks for a glass of water*...*she notices the emperor and rolls her eyes* What would a guy like him want to come to a dump like this?*she thinks to herself* ((OOC: No offense Travs ^^))

2006-06-18 [Juiced]: he'll probly want this place torn down nymph. (i can read minds)

2006-06-18 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ Keyuirg sits at the bar and drinks some more ale and throws a large bag of gold on the counter ~ That is for your services, ~ Keyurg looks at the others ~ Hello all...

2006-06-18 [Juiced]: *looks at him out of the corner of my eye and continues to drink my drink whale the two orginoids that came in with me watch him carefuly

2006-06-18 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ Laughs some ~ You can drop your guard, I bring no trouble! ~ lays masamune on the counter and powers down his magic ~ I come in peace, oh, and by the way, I do not want this place tore down ( I read minds also! )

2006-06-18 [Juiced]: *slams glass on the counter,gets up of his seat and loks him in the eye* listen mr."Emperor of a Kingdom known as Torros-Arrok" i'm not to big of a fan of you fancy type so you stay out of my way and that will make it another day you live. Shadow Ambit lets go *turns around and head upstairs with the orginoids close behind him*

2006-06-18 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ laughs as though nothing was any funnier ~ Listen, like I said, I bring no trouble, make of me whatyou will, I am by no means "fancy" I am just an equal, and that is how I treat everyone! So please do not make this more than what it is, understood? ~ Smiles softly as his eyes flash blood red and black with silver streaks ~

2006-06-18 [Juiced]: *holds my hand out and a black fireball appers* really do you think you that scary then why don't we take this outsaide the tavern then frankly cause this is my favorite place to get a drink and relax and i'd hate to see it get stained by your blood

2006-06-18 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ laughs and walks outside the tavern ~ Do what you will, but I think myself not scary and not evil, and also I will not fight you because you will fight a losing battle, because I have been granted the power of Negation in which I will not die by magic and I will not fight you using weapons, I do not believe in fighting period! understood? ~ cuts his hand with his masamune and the masamune melds into his body ~ I have no reason to fight, so just relax

2006-06-18 [Juiced]: *lowers my hand and the fire ball vanishs* Shadow...Ambit stand down * the two orginoids lower there selves next to me*

2006-06-18 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ nods ~ ( O.O.C. If you wish to know about my character go to Keyurg Kirosake)

2006-06-18 [Keyurg Kirosake]: If fight no one, but I am on a quest, I need info and was told to come here for it! I am trying to fing Hashimoto, he is an Evil Emperor and also my father, if he finds this place he will have it destroyed, so look at me more as a guardian than a threat!

2006-06-18 [Juiced]: *holds my hand out* excuse my behavior i am Skyler i am all that is left of my villige before it was attacked and destroyed me and my two orginoids are all that are left of my people and our attackers was none other the the king of a twon close by us sence that day i have learned that there is noone to trust but yourself and the ones you hold close to you.

2006-06-18 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ extends hand and shakes in friendship ~ I have to agree with your reasoning! The reason I became Emperor was because the person I love died and I inherited it from her! So, I treat all as equals and nothing less and nothing more! Excuse me if I may have come off a bit egotistical! I didn't mean for that to happen!

2006-06-18 [Juiced]: it is alright *feels a nudge on my leg* oh yes this is Shadow *points to the black orginoid* and this is Ambit *point to the red orginoid*

2006-06-18 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ smiles and looks at the orginoids ~ All beings are beautiful! Ummm... might I ask if you know anything of Hashimoto, the Evil Emperor?

2006-06-18 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ you are more than welcome in the kingdom if you wish to stay there, or if you wish to visit you may do that also!

2006-06-18 [Juiced]: no that name has never come across our path before and...i wish to stay in your kingdom if thats alright with you

2006-06-18 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ nods ~ That is perfectly fine with me, and If you here that name outside of here will you please inform me where you heard it?

2006-06-18 [Juiced]: yes *bows my head*

2006-06-18 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ smiles ~ ( O.O.C. [Juiced] pm me please! )

2006-06-18 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ drinks some more meade as he sits at the counter ~

2006-06-18 [Danboo]: *yawns*

2006-06-18 [Nonchalant]: *rolls her eyes again* "Equality...pffhh."

2006-06-20 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ looks at [Nonchalant] and smiles ~ Might I ask what you mean by that?

2006-06-20 [travs the bean]: **the barkeep poured another round for his guests and shook his head, a fire now smoldered on the ceiling boards because of the fireball and he threw a bucket of water at it drenching Lord Sephiroth and tempted with magic. Angrily he cursed under his breath about inept magic users as he looked at the smoldering black spot.**

2006-06-20 [travs the bean]: he looked out the windows at the light slowly pushing through- dawn was upon them and the storm slowly cleared away

2006-06-20 [travs the bean]: **he cocked his head and there was a slight crack for the most part the night had been un eventful. the patrons that still sat in the bar chattered for a bit more as the barkeep collected his wares and put them away. He scratched his balding head for a moment and ran his fingers through the bregying locks. After a few moments he pulled a small silver flask from beneath the bar and took a swig. He could feel the burn but in an instant felt rejuvinated and with a dark smile he started cleaning up the bar and the common room** Dan, **he spoke** i want you to get a mop and see if you can get the blackness of the ceiling

2006-06-20 [travs the bean]: ** he looked frustrated at tempted with magic and pointed ** no more magic here inside, see the thankful it was not that bad or i will take it out of your purse.

2006-06-20 [Danboo]: *Daniel has a confused look on his face*hmm, ok, travs*goes to the kitchen*

2006-06-20 [travs the bean]: Dan, my lad look at the ceiling above the magic user [Juiced] ** he points to a large black mark above the magic users head** that's what needs to be cleaned** he shook his head** youth these days.

2006-06-21 [Elisha Kelly]: Elysia entered the tavern, her nose wrinkling slightly at the faint charred smell that hung in the air... she stumbled over over to the bar, and sat down.

2006-06-21 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ Looks at the barkeep and smiles ~ I will be glad to repair it if you wish! It really was my fault!

2006-06-21 [travs the bean]: i appreciate the offer, the boy can clean it up though. He's good at those things, just as long as it does not happen again**the barkeep smiled back** so would you l ike another drink?

2006-06-21 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ smiles and nods to the barkeep and throws him three pouches of gold of the highest quality ~ That is for the drinks and to help with the repairs!

2006-06-21 [travs the bean]: so generous with your gold, the repairs are nothing more than a good cleaning- I appreciate your generocity sir. ** he weighed the pouches of gold for a moment than put them away. ** you realize with all this you could purchase many a nights stay here in your own room?

2006-06-21 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ smiles ~ I do not wish to be a burden on your establishment.

2006-06-21 [travs the bean]: there is no burden good sir, **the barkeep wiped down another glass and put it away, looking at the royal figure.** i do quite well, but i was never one to turn done generosity, but gifts do not buy loyalty. **he looked down at another stained glass on the counter and frowned. Within in a few minutes he had pulled all the glasses from under the bar and had begun to spot clean them**

2006-06-21 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ gets up and walks over to some dirty glass and helps clean them so that the barkeep doesn't have so much work pressuring him ~ Well, If I do stay here, is there anything around here I may do for you?

2006-06-21 [Juiced]: *walks in with my head down and walks over to Travs* Sry mr.Travs i didn't mean to make a mess of things

2006-06-21 [travs the bean]: my lord sephiroth- please i do not mind the work, i find it rather refreshing in the morning. As for staying that is up to you my friend- nothing more is required than your money, as for adventure or looking for things to do there is always something to be set up around town. I hear there is need of a blacksmith or weapons maker. **He looked over at tempted with magic** no fuss, just do not let it happen again madam, so would you like a room?

2006-06-21 [Juiced]: i'm a femail for one and if it's alright with you yes and i'll even help clean up the mess i made from my magic

2006-06-21 [travs the bean]: madam- when dan returns then i will let you help. So what kind of room will you be staying in?

2006-06-21 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ Jurok looks at the barkeep and smiles ~ How long will this get me? ~ Throws a pillow case full of silver onto the counter ~

2006-06-21 [travs the bean]: **the barkeep raised an eyebrow at the sack - it wasn't a large sack, but it still contained a heavy amount of coin, must be pretty strong to haul all that weight around he thought. He thumbed through the coin a bit, ** about 80 coins here, it will get you a private room for about 26 days- 

2006-06-21 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ nods ~ I will take it, if you need more, i know where I can get more from... all you have to do is ask!

2006-06-21 [travs the bean]: **the barkeep gave him a weary eye but replied graciously-** you may have one of the private rooms on the first floor, there is an empty room by the library with a window- give me a minute and i will show it to you good sir. Do you have any bags that need to be moved as well?

2006-06-21 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ shakes head ~ I will carry them, everything I own is with offense intended!

2006-06-21 [travs the bean]: none taken good sir and fair enough- if you need anything please feel free to ask my services are at your disposal

2006-06-21 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ nods and grabs his bags up and looks at the barkeep ~ Ok, I am ready for my room good sir!

2006-06-21 [travs the bean]: just go Black Arrow Tavern:Upstairs and settle in - your room remember is next to the library with the window- , enjoy your stay**the barkeep smiled and dropped the bag of coin out of sight behind the counter**

2006-06-21 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ Jurok smiles and set off for his room ~

2006-06-21 [Yuriona]: *a copper headed, green eyed wood elven woman enters the bar. She looks around, spear in one hand and dressed in leather that glints slightly with numerous throwing daggers* Well I'll be. So there is a decent tavern to be found in this town. I suppose I've been wandering in the woods too long.

2006-06-21 [travs the bean]: goodmorning m'lady and what can i do for you? a drink or a room to rest for awhile? ** the old barkeep smiled, as he put several more clean glasses under the bar**

2006-06-21 [Elisha Kelly]: Elysia stirred from her slumped position at the bar, she had pretty much ignored most of the other patrons until now, but she couldn't help but gape a little at the Elf, as she had never seen one with copper hair before.

2006-06-21 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ Jurok re-entered the pub and sat to the far right of the Elf that just entered and ordered a couple drinks for himself as he threw a small satchel of gold on the counter ~

2006-06-21 [travs the bean]: **the barkeep took the satchel and held it in his hand** an endless supply my good sir, makes one wonder what business your in, i do hope it does not come from any of my other paying patrons-, bad for business you see. ** he poured a glass a put it on the counter**

2006-06-21 [Elisha Kelly]: "you should be more careful with your money" Elysia sneered as the coins clattered on the counter

2006-06-21 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ smiles ~ I do not steal, I am an honest person who earned it honestly! ~ looks at Elysia and smiles as he toss Elysia a small satchel ~ Money is a thing that I need not!

2006-06-21 [travs the bean]: money though does run out. i would be careful with your coin out here in the outlands.

2006-06-21 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ laughs whole heartilly ~ Like I said I don't need money! ~ smiles ~

2006-06-21 [Elisha Kelly]: Elysia threw the coins back at the man(?) "I don't want your money, and if you are stupid enough to go flaunting it, then I won't be surprised if we find you dead with your throat..." Elysia stopped herself, she didn't want to get involved with this, instead she turned to the barkeeper "breakfast wouldnt be any time soon would it?"

2006-06-21 [travs the bean]: So you say my lord, **the barkeep looked at him coldly** but one who enters my inn with little on his back and then produces large amounts of coin out of thin air, something is amiss. **he stroked his chin wondering if the coin was fake, and took a bite out of the coin**regaurdless it is wise not to throw around so much when this place is inhabited by thieves and other undesirables, even if you are great fighter you will not survive. Just a warning to the wise.

2006-06-21 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ laughs and cuts his own throat and giggles as the knife blade breaks and blood trickles down his body ~ This is meerly a real body no one will find!

2006-06-21 [travs the bean]: Sorry m'lady - let me see what i can find in kitchen for you.

2006-06-21 [Yuriona]: *the wood elf watched in amusement before withdrawing 2 copper from her beltpouch* An ale for me please when you have a moment.

2006-06-21 [Elisha Kelly]: Elysia dismissed the man as some carnival freak... "illusions" she muttered

2006-06-21 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ shakes head ~ I am not meerly and illusion, see...~ cuts his arm as blood drips to his clothes ~ This is just a shell though....

2006-06-21 [Elisha Kelly]: Elysia moved a few seats away from the shell thing, not at all sure she wanted to be near it

2006-06-21 [Akayume]: {lmao!! XD}

2006-06-21 [travs the bean]: ** The barkeep puased and took the copper coin and poured a quick glass of ale, which he placed in front [Yuriona]** here you go m'lady

2006-06-21 [Yuriona]: *looks at shell thing* So why would ye be telling us of this 'talent' of yours? Seems to me it would be wiser to keep such a thing secret.

2006-06-21 [Yuriona]: Ah, thank ye kindly. *grasps ale mug gratefully & takes a deep drink* Ah yes... that is a fine brew indeed.

2006-06-21 [travs the bean]: **the bar keep looked at the thing for a moment, his hand looking for his cleaver behind the bar** i do not think you have been straight with me creature, what are you?"

2006-06-21 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ smiles ~ No, no secret.

2006-06-21 [travs the bean]: what are you ** he asked again**

2006-06-21 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ the shell dissappears and Jurok himself stands at the door of the tavern ~ A human...~ he said smiling ~

2006-06-21 [travs the bean]: no more games in my inn, ** the barkeep looked at the man** so jurok, tell me a little about you, you yourself said no secrets, amuse an old barkeep with your tale** he said wiping down another glass*

2006-06-21 [Keyurg Kirosake]: sk me anything you want! ~ he said smiling as he walks to the counter to sit ~

2006-06-21 [Juiced]: heres one forstarters wheres the money comeing from

2006-06-21 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ laughs ~ I inherited the money, from a friend, but he told me to hand it out, so thats what i am doing....I have no use for money, I would rather work for my keep!

2006-06-21 [travs the bean]: **looking him over for a moment** I take it your about out then from what i see.

2006-06-21 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ laughs and holds up five more bags two of gold, two of silver, and one of copper ~ that is all i have left

2006-06-21 [travs the bean]: i wouldn't spend it all in one place, money out here is hard to come buy- you might though want to consider investing it- the warehouse has some nice wares...or if you would like i can hold them for ye.** he smiled wickedly for a moment**

2006-06-21 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ laughs ~ I would like the rest to be split among the employees of the fine establishment!

2006-06-21 [travs the bean]: i cannot accept a gift as usually come with strings- but maybe someone else would like it

2006-06-21 [Juiced]: *jumps in frount of the barkeep* i'll hold onto it seens how they aren't exatly the most trusting faces in th tavern

2006-06-21 [travs the bean]: **the barkeep shook his head and put several other glassses away**

2006-06-21 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ looks at [Torture_Me_With_Sorcery] and smiles ~ I said i wanted it split between the employees! ~ looks deep into her eyes ~

2006-06-21 [Juiced]: *blushes and twirls my hair with my finger*

2006-06-21 [Keyurg Kirosake]: ~ smiles and beautiful smile and nods ~ You may have some also!

2006-06-21 [travs the bean]: **the barkeep rolled his eyes and shook his head.** If you do not want it - just put them on the bar and i will see what we can do with them. Now what is your story good sir?

2006-06-21 [Juiced]: Thank you!!!! *hugs you*

2006-06-21 [Elisha Kelly]: Elysia rolled her eyes, and moved away from the bar, finding a vacant table away from the commotion, She needed time to think.

2006-06-21 [travs the bean]: ** the barkeep made his way to the kitchen and returned with a platter of cold meats, cheese, some sweet breads and some fruits and laid them on a table. He then went back and returned with some cream and few more items before returning to his choores around the bar**

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